Voici 10 plantes qui attirent les énergies positives

Voici 10 plantes qui attirent les énergies positives Les plantes s’utilisent depuis toujours dans la décoration d’intérieur des maisons, des bureaux ou des commerces car elles donnent un aspect frais et naturel à ces lieux, mais aussi parce qu’elles améliorent le flux d’énergies positives tout en chassant les énergies négatives. Les experts de ce domaine affirment…

Here are 5 emotional wounds from childhood that persist into adulthood

  We were all children before grow and become adults. The family environment in which we evolved and childhood we had inevitably shape our adult lives. The problems encountered during the period of our existence have a major influence on the way we face the vicissitudes of life. They predict somehow the quality of our…


  The abandonment or fear of death and separation anxiety. * Abandonment is the original wound the child lying in the womb, in harmony with it, nourishes, living through it, is separated from his paradise, unity at the time of birth. Separated for a living. This separation sign the extreme fragility of the child if…

4 Laws of indifference leading to emotional release

  It may seem that the word « indifference » evokes a certain coldness or even emotional selfishness … and yet it is not. Included in context of personal growth, this word implies a great inner value that we should all learn to develop. Being indifferent, not to discard all that matters to us, destroying the emotional…


  Based on the discoveries of quantum physics, a new way to heal is increasingly talked about. His premise: our cells emit information that determine our health and on which it is possible to act. Explanations. « It was ten years ago, I was diagnosed with lupus, a chronic autoimmune disease, says Lucia, an artist 50…

30 things you should start doing for yourself

  30 things you should start doing for yourself Marc and Angel are the authors of « 1000 little things that happy people are able to do differently. Here is their incredible list of 30 things you need to start doing for yourself. Feel free to visit their website for tips and tricks for more inspiration…

How to receive a response from the Universe?

  We are sometimes confused when we have to make a decision. We are so fragile balance suspended like puppets on the thread of our life not knowing what to do or where to go. Here are some keys that will help you, I hope to receive a clear response from the Universe when you…

Reality Doesn’t Exist Until We Measure it: Quantum Experiment Confirms

    Last year, Australian scientists replicated a classic  experiment confirming  that reality doesn’t actually exist until we measure it, that is, at the quantum level. “It proves that measurement is everything. At the quantum level, reality does not exist if you are not looking at it,” lead researcher and physicist Andrew Truscott said in a…

How to use The universal Law of Attraction

The universal Law of Attraction states: « We draw what we choose to focus our attention – that we wanted or whatever undesirable » So we attract what we focus our attention whether we want it or not! Most of the time, we let go, we attract by ‘default’ rather than by conscious and deliberate choice. Our…

7 Stumbling Blocks on the Road to Higher Consciousness

The purpose of Life is to Live! But upon arrival on this Earth it quickly becomes apparent that this is not the agenda. Ninety nine percent of what’s going on here is not about enhancing human creative potential, but about suppressing it. It’s about stepping onto an invisible ladder whose rungs form the seemingly inviolable…

Are You a light worker?

    Who are lightworkers? Today it is understood that lightworkers are people who are changing human consciousness. They are ‘waking up’, experiencing a reconnection towards the infinite intelligence available to all via our inner knowing & extended awareness.   Along the way of their own progress Lightworkers are influencing and catalyzing their awareness and…

How DNA Is Reprogrammed By Words and Frequencies

  We now know that just as on the internet, our DNA can feed its proper data into a network of consciousness and can call up data from the network and also establish contact with other participants in the network. In addition, there is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA…